CDW Systems here to help customers adapt to new building regulations

Posted on 14/06/2022
With the changes to Documents F and L of the building regulations now in force, leading aluminium specialist CDW Systems is doing all it can to help its customers comply with the new revisions.
The Gloucester-based company, which is celebrating its 30-year anniversary this year in the trade supply of aluminium window, door, and curtain wall products, is making sure its customers know everything they need to.
CDW Systems Group Chairman Jeremy Phillips says: “I think it’s fair to say that June 15 has been a date the whole industry has been working towards and as with any new regulations, challenges have had to be overcome, and they have had a big impact on the aluminium market.
“With the changes to Documents F, L and O of the Building Regulations, ultimately it’s the installers who are going to need to make sure they comply with the revisions.
“Here at CDW Systems, we have always made sure our customers have the very latest guidance on regulations so they can successfully navigate any changes. We know our customers will have questions relating to the changes, and we have all the help to hand.”
What the changes to Part L and Part F mean…
From June 15, all new homes must produce 31% less CO2 emissions than what is currently acceptable in the present Part L regulations. Therefore, the construction of new dwellings must comply with the increased energy performance standards as set in the new regulations.
For windows, the U-value has changed from 1.6 to 1.4 in existing homes and from 1.4 to 1.2 in new homes, while doors have changed from 1.8 to 1.4 in existing homes.
Revisions to Part F see new ventilation requirements for new homes and existing ones come into force. It calls for greater air flow for new builds, while in the refurbishment market vents must be fitted as standard and if there are already vents, then the same sized vents can be fitted on the new windows.
If the existing windows do not have vents, then the replacements must have vents fitted to meet the revised requirements.
No worries with CDW Systems
CDW Systems, which manufactures a range of unglazed products to suit most applications using profiles from some of the leading aluminium systems houses in the UK, has reviewed its product offering to ensure it can offer fully compliant windows and doors for all projects.
To supplement the changes, CDW Systems has also produced data sheets which outline the key changes to the building regulations which are freely available on a new ‘Resources’ page the company has created especially.
Jeremy said: “We know our customers will have questions relating to the changes and the whole team at CDW have been striving to ensure that our products are fully compliant for them to make sure they toe the line.
“Our customers can rest assured that we have everything in place to help them navigate through the changes as easily as possible and we can provide them with the right advice, and they can discuss any aspect with us. Our Resource page is the perfect place for them to visit to help them answer any questions they have.”
The online portal also features order forms and brochures for all CDW Systems products, from the likes of Aluk, Reynaers, Technal and Smart Systems, as well as product updates, and Jeremy added: “We have always supported our customers with an evolving product range and expert advice, and we wanted to create a ‘Resources’ page to provide a single place where they can get that information.”
To view CDW Systems new resources page, visit or for more information call 01452 414853.