CESW launches first ever Collaboration in Construction Diploma

Posted on 23/11/2022
Constructing Excellence South West (CESW) has announced the launch of the first-ever diploma in Collaboration in Construction.
The organisation charged with driving real change in construction has partnered with the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) to deliver the programme which is designed to equip delegates with the tools and techniques to positively disrupt traditional ways of working within the industry.
During an online 10-month programme, this academically benchmarked level five diploma explores exactly what individuals need to ensure that a collaborative culture is successfully adopted within construction.
Those taking part will not only study the principles of collaboration and integration in construction but will also benefit from networking with like-minded peers, studying technology-led approaches and learning about new behaviours which are much needed in the industry.
Andrew Carpenter, CEO of Constructing Excellence South West, said: “The need for collaborative work within the UK construction industry has never been greater. With the economy expected to go into recession in late 2022, the need for our sector to adopt lean principles is essential and to be able to do this we must embrace collaboration.
“In a sector that is excessively fragmented, we have identified a will to work together to deliver consistent solutions. Delegates undertaking this diploma will learn important skills in collaborative working to the advantage of themselves, their organisation and any projects they’re involved in.
“This diploma course provides individuals with the chance to be an early adopter in this critical area which is essential for the future of the industry. Collaboration is the way forward.”
Following a successful pilot project which ran last year, the new programme will welcome 12 new delegates in January 2023. The course runs for 10 months which includes one-half day a month followed by additional reading material and homework.
If you are passionate about collaboration and want to know more about being part of this essential change visit: https://constructingexcellencesw.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Diploma-2023-Mids.pdf