Roseview Windows launch marketing support for customers

Posted on 25/06/2012
Roseview Windows, the UK's longest established PVC-u vertical sliding sash window manufacturer, has launched a new marketing brochure designed to help their trade customers win more sales.
Called the 'Heritage and Charisma Rose Collection,' this high quality, 20 page brochure showcases Roseview's Heritage and Charisma Rose sash windows and trade sales manager Byron Field believes it will be a powerful addition to any installers point of sale armoury.
"PVC-u sash windows are a high value, premium quality product and good quality marketing literature is essential for any installer. The new brochure contains a mix of quality imagery and important technical information that will help our trade customers better communicate the benefits of both our Heritage and Charisma Rose windows to the end user. Ultimately the better our customers conversion rates the more successful Roseview Windows will be, so it makes perfect sense to invest in the tools our customers need to grow their businesses. The glossy, full colour brochure is freely available to all trade customers –simply contact myself or my colleague Stacey on 01234 712657 to order your copy - and can be downloaded in PDF format from the Roseview website ( It can even overprinted to accommodate each installer's logo and branding if necessary."
The launch of the brochure is just the latest customer focussed initiative from Roseview Windows. The company recently launched their new rewards scheme where every pound spent with Roseview will earn their customers a sashPOINT. Points can then be saved up and spent on a host of rewards ranging from a Playstation 3 to an Apple iPad and even a Spa weekend. Installers can even get money off their next order and the more points you save the better the reward. "Supporting our customers has always been central to the Roseview business model and the new brochure and sashPOINTS are just two examples of this" Byron concludes.