Everyone’s a winner at Edgetech’s action-packed FIT 2019

Posted on 03/06/2019
Last month’s FIT Show was a momentous one for warm-edge experts Edgetech, who used it to celebrate thirty years of a landmark product and introduce an innovative new rigid spacer bar.
At the company’s striking stand, located in the event’s dedicated VISIT Glass area, leading figures from across the industry gathered to mark the 30th anniversary of Super Spacer, the pioneering product that helped make warm-edge mainstream.
After a brief birthday presentation from Managing Director Chris Alderson, the assembled guests were then introduced to the company’s latest innovation.
Edgetherm RS is an ingenious rigid spacer designed to eradicate the PIB migration problems that commonly spoil the looks of many ageing IGUs.
Designed and tested in Coventry by Technical Development Manager Gary Shoesmith, the product is a step forward in rigid spacer bar technology, its unique design offering enhanced productivity, durability, thermal performance and aesthetics.
After the product launch was over, it was time for a toast - attendees scratched off the panels of specially-made Edgetech scratch cards to see if they’d won a free drink at the VISIT Glass Bar. Everyone was a winner!
Edgetech welcomed senior colleagues from all over the world to the NEC for the three-day event.
Johannes von Wenserski, Edgetech Europe’s Prokurist, was on hand to support his UK colleagues, and Joe Erb, the company’s highly experienced Commercial Projects Manager, flew in from America to give daily seminars on the changing landscape of architectural glass specification.
Edgetech was also joined by gas filling experts Inagas, who demonstrated their range of high-tech gas filling and Sparklike gas testing equipment.
“We were humbled and delighted by the support we received at this year’s show – not just from colleagues and customers, but the trade press and show-goers as a whole,” comments MD Chris Alderson.
“The reception Edgetherm RS received was great, and the feedback we got on our new e-commerce system, which we were demonstrating on the stand, was extremely encouraging too.
“A very heartfelt thanks to everyone who took the time to visit the stand. Our launches at the show were just a taster of our focus on innovation. We look forward to showing you more of what we’ve been working on over the coming months.”
For more information on Edgetherm RS and to stay up-to-date with Edgetech’s latest releases please visit: www.edgetechig.co.uk