How can installers better use finance to increase sales?

Posted on 21/08/2017
The Managing Director of a UK finance provider for the home improvement industry says that many glass and glazing installers are still not fully taking advantage their service and using it to boost sales.
Austin Barcley, Managing Director of Improveasy, says there is an upward trend of consumers using finance options to upgrade their homes and by offering customers finance, installers can win more business in this market.
He comments: “Consumers are looking to transform their homes, whether it’s installing double glazing, refurbishing kitchens and bathrooms or converting a loft and they are looking to spread the cost of funding this.
“There is a misconception amongst consumers that finance must cover the entire cost of the project when actually it can be used to fund all or part of it. That’s where installers can upsell to create the ideal solution for the homeowner.
“For example, say a homeowner has a budget of £8k to spend on a new conservatory. Rather than use the whole £8k for the conservatory which may not be the size and type they really wanted they can upgrade to a £12k conservatory, using £4k as a deposit and £8k on finance. This then leaves the customer £4k to spend on furniture and blinds etc, which means a bigger sale for you and a very happy customer.”
Improveasy provides installers with finance solutions that they can offer to homeowners.
Installers don’t need experience or a consumer credit license; companies that become Introducers (IARs) or full Appointed Representatives (ARs) will appear on the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) register and can then begin offering finance options under either the Improveasy brand or their own company brand.
Companies that partner with Improveasy also receive sales training and training on how best to use finance to win new business.
Austin comments: “We work across several sectors but glass and glazing is one of our fastest growing sectors. Our aim is to raise awareness of the opportunities in offering finance packages to installers and show that with Improveasy they have everything they need to win new business.
“Becoming a member is quick and easy. We will help guide your business through the process of becoming an accredited partner and you can start to benefit from offering finance to your customers within just a few weeks’ time.”