Insight Data Ltd

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Insight Data wows the crowds at the FIT Show

Insight Data wows the crowds at the FIT Show

Posted on 30/04/2013


As everyone looks back on the FIT Show the general consensus was it proved a big success for everyone in attendance, particularly for data experts Insight Data who drew the crowds to their stand with the unveiling of their latest version of Salestracker.

“The FIT Show was a huge success for Insight,” comments Sales Manager Sonia Punter. “It was a fantastic opportunity to catch up with existing customers and show them Salestracker Live. We also met a lot of new people in the industry who were interested to find out how Insight can help them generate thousands of pounds in new business.”

Insight showcased their full range of trade, commercial and new build databases, and enticed people to the stand with their “We’ve found them” campaign.

“We’ve found thousands of opportunities out there for companies to take advantage of, and we heavily promoted this in the run-up to, and at the show to let visitors know how easy it is for them find and win new business across a variety of industries using Salestracker Live,” comments Sonia.

Salestracker Live combines all the best features of the current lead generating software enhanced with clever new technology to make it even easier for users to target new customers as well as manage existing ones:

“Salestracker is a powerful tool that can help your business generate leads and build relationships with the key decision makers across the trade, commercial and new build sectors. Simply log-in, create your list of new business opportunities and ensure your company is in front of these potential customers with the use of highly targeted email or direct mail campaigns,” Sonia concludes.


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