Insight Data’s Architects Database helps companies increase sales

Posted on 07/03/2016
Every month thousands of construction projects gain planning approval, providing a lucrative stream of new business opportunities for commercial and domestic suppliers. It also creates a flurry of activity as contractors and building product suppliers bombard the architect or specifier responsible for the project, using widely available project leads and marketing data.
Insight Data thinks this is the wrong approach, as operations manager Jade Greenhow explains;
“We don’t think targeting architects with promotional and technical information at the same time as all your competitors and alongside dozens of other related suppliers is effective.
That’s why we developed the UK’s most accurate and in-depth database of architects active in the build environment. It means our clients can engage with architects early on in the specification process, providing key product information or CPD solutions to enable them to make informed decisions.”
It means products stand a better chance of getting written into the specification at an early stage while your company is identified as a potential supplier on the tender of larger projects. For smaller work where architects are controlling the project, early engagement and awareness increases the likelihood of your company or products being selected or recommended for the project.
The Insight Architects Database helps businesses generate millions of pounds in additional revenue every year.
The databases provide users with direct, real-time access to over 15,000 architects ranging from solo practitioners to large firms, with over 9,000 practices across the UK. It also contains the UK’s largest and most accurate database of verified email addresses with over 17,000 primarily named individual contacts
Insight Data can supply data as a one-off list, or for regular communications, an online database system, Salestracker, provides 24/7 real-time access to the Architects Database, with hundreds of additions, removals and changes every month, so you’ll always be using the most accurate and targeted data.