RECORD downloads of Insight Data’s latest Industry Report

Posted on 08/01/2018
The industry’s leading provider of market intelligence, Insight Data is celebrating record downloads of its latest industry report. Since its release in October, the firm has seen thousands flock to their website to get their hands on the 2017 Insight Report, which provides a complete overview of the UK window, door and conservatory industry.
Curated by Insight Data MD Andrew Scott and his team of industry data specialists, the Insight Report combines in-depth analysis into the current state of the market with the latest findings and statistics on the industry’s fastest growing areas. For the first time in their series of comprehensive industry reports, Insight Data has also revealed the industry’s ‘Top 100’ companies based on both turnover and net-worth.
“As businesses across the industry prepare for what will undoubtedly be a challenging 12 months ahead, accurate market intelligence provides an insight into the potential growth areas and the many opportunities that can ensure a successful 2018,” Andrew comments. “It’s fantastic to see the Insight Report maintain its position as the ‘industry bible’, helping to form the strategies of some of the industry’s biggest players and guide businesses in every sector through an incredibly fierce market.”
“The industry is seeing many disruptive forces whether it’s trade counters or the rise of builder installers. We are seeing markets declining or flattening and the continued growth of premium/niche manufacturers despite consumer confidence at an all-time-low. It’s no surprise the report has seen record downloads as businesses look to get ahead of the game.”
The report is the result of extensive research and telephone interviews carried out with over 15,000 companies from Insight Data’s fenestration database. The information is then cross-referenced with accurate data from one of the UK’s leading credit reference agencies.
The fenestration database is just one of Insight Data’s five key databases and makes up the incredible resource that powers Salestracker, their online prospect database, CRM system and integrated email marketing platform. Insight Data prides itself on their real-time data, validated using a seven-stage verification process for ultimate accuracy.
To download your free copy of the Insight Report, visit