Booked appointment leads key for leading Kent double glazing specialists

Posted on 04/07/2022
Leading Kent double glazing company Mayfair Installations have hailed Leads 2 Trade’s premium, booked appointment service, as key to the business.
The company, which specialises in windows, doors, conservatories and orangeries from branches in Tunbridge Wells and Westgate-On-Sea in Thanet, joined Leads 2 Trade’s trusted installer network last September.
And taking Leads 2 Trades guaranteed appointment booking service has been vital, according to Mayfair’s MD Mark Thompson.
“We found out about Leads 2 Trade through internet searching and they stood out from us ahead of all the other lead generating companies due to their professionalism, the fact that they actually booked qualified appointments at a set time, and the value for money from them,” explained Mark.
“Being a relatively small company the booked appointments mean we don’t have to take the time and the stress of contacting the customer and sorting a convenient time.
“When the appointment from Leads 2 Trade comes through the information is always spot on, and when we speak to the customer on the day to let them know the name of the consultant who will be attending the appointment, they are fully aware of who we are the information on the screen always marries up with exactly what the customer says. On a weekly basis it makes our operation run smoother and helps us keep on top of our diary.”
Leads 2 Trade are the UK’s leading provider of double qualified sales leads for companies in the home improvement industry, and its booked appointment, no pitch no fee, leads are perfect for installers to up their conversion rates and get a better cost per sale.
The double qualified sales lead is provided with a fixed and firm appointment against set criteria and the available dates and times in an installer’s diary – so all they have to do is turn up and close the deal. The lead is only sold to one other company, giving the installer a 50% chance of winning the work, and if the installer doesn’t get to sit and pitch then it doesn’t cost them anything.
Mark said: “Leads 2 Trade are our highest converting lead source and one of our highest profit lead sources. Another nice advantage is that on the odd occasion when we haven’t been able to sit and pitch the appointment Leads 2 Trade make it very easy to return the lead to, so you don’t lose the money.
“There’s never a problem with Leads 2 Trade – someone always answers the phone to talk things through and that is a huge positive, and any issues we’ve they have sorted for us straight away.”
Andy Royle, Leads 2 Trade’s co-founder and Managing Director, commented: “We are delighted that Mayfair Installations are seeing huge benefits from our booked appointment, no pitch no fee, leads.
“We understand that not all installers have the time or resources to contact the leads we send them, yet it’s those installers that are able to react swiftly to a newly qualified sales lead that are the most likely to convert.
“Our guaranteed appointment bookings provide them with the best opportunity possible for them to convert leads into revenue – and they put us head and shoulders above our competitors.”
For more information on Leads2trade telephone 0161 466 0099 or visit