Leads 2 Trade sees 29% increase in double glazing consumer interest

Posted on 14/11/2022
The UK’s leading provider of double qualified sales leads for companies operating in the home improvement industry has seen a big rise in customer interest in double glazing for the last few months when compared to this time last year.
Leads 2 Trade saw a 29% increase in customer interest and a 41% increase in the number of appointments booked for their installers in the same period.
Andy Royle, co-founder and director of the Stockport-based company commented: “Consumer interest is still high despite the cost-of-living crisis, and these results should give installers confidence.
“Both a 29% increase in turning customer enquiries into business and a 41% increase in appointments arranged for our members means that it’s far from doom and gloom. With windows and doors being vulnerable places for heat to escape, homeowners have understandably been looking at upgrading them to help keep their energy bills down.
“Installers are not getting as many leads from their self-generating efforts and with order and quote books drying up we are seeing more installers joining our network.”
Leads 2 Trade has been connecting homeowners looking to replace their windows or doors with trusted double glazing installers in their local area from its Trusted Local Supplier network since 2006.
For consumers, all leads are double qualified from its websites by Leads 2 Trade’s in-house call centre, and for installers, the company’s guaranteed appointment, ‘no pitch no fee,’ leads mean installers only pay for the lead if they sit and pitch it so come with zero risk.
Andy added: “In terms of enquiries and leads double glazing has been very consistent and high-ticket items such as conservatory roofs haven’t really shown any signs of slowing down. We are not far off seeing the pre-covid levels of 2019 which is hugely positive.
“That’s good news for installers and they must take advantage, particularly as 80% of our leads are now pre-booked appointments because it reduces no shows and is more cost effective, typically achieving a 1:3 conversion to sale with a cost of sale as low as 8%.”
For more information on joining Leads 2 Trade’s Trusted Network visit https://leads2trade.co.uk/products/double-glazing-sales-leads/