Predictions ring true as Leads2trade report strong lead volumes

Posted on 07/07/2014
Directors at Leads2Trade, the company behind the Compare Companies and Trusted Local Suppliers network of consumer facing sites, say that leads volumes are significantly up compared to the same period last year.
Leads2Trade generates ‘double-qualified’ home improvement leads via its online network of Trusted Local Supplier sites – a portfolio of sites where homeowners register to find tradesman to carry out work such as conservatory, solar and double glazing installations.
Director Andy Royle says the company has built on a record start to the year which saw it sell 657 double qualified leads to its members, on its first day back.
For quarter one and quarter two of 2014, Leads2trade has seen lead volumes increase by 15 per cent, with their members closing more sales as a result.
Andy says the majority of leads have been for PVC-U double glazing, conservatories, solar panels and boiler replacement.
He comments: “From what we are seeing for the first half of this year, it appears that confidence is back. Lead volumes are significantly up and our members are closing lots more business as a result. It’s clear that homeowners are now more confident to push through with renovations and there is more movement in the economy.
“This presents installers with a golden opportunity to win new business and through our service of leads and support they can easily do this. We don’t see any reason why the year won’t end on an even stronger note.”
Increasing lead volumes at Leads2trade have also been influenced by the company’s acquisition of home improvement arm of the consumer facing lead generation network Compare Companies.
The acquisition went through at the end of 2013.
The high-profile industry deal saw Leads2trade become one of the UK’s biggest providers of double qualified leads.
“There is momentum in the economy and installers can utilise our service to take advantage. We offer more than just double qualified leads and can provide finance options to our members to allow them to sell their products with a 0% interest free option, business support tools, marketing support and even an appointment booking service so installers are guaranteed to sit and present their products,” Andy concludes.