Tough year ahead for fenestration and construction industries

Posted on 22/01/2022
With the state of the market looking very different now to how it did at the end of the first national lockdown, it’s likely things will become much tougher for the industry in 2022 – especially as the surge in demand calms.
That’s the view of Andrew Scott, Managing Director of Purplex, the leading full-service marketing agency for the fenestration and construction industries.
Andrew commented: “It goes without saying but the industry boomed last year. Companies were inundated with requests and order books were fuller than they’ve been for years, despite the material and labour shortages.
“With lockdown restrictions in place for most of 2021, consumers were able to make even more savings which they’ve been able to reinvest into their properties – making the home improvement market busier than ever.
“The industry has faced unprecedented times. Covid changed the way the market previously operated and so the last 21 months have been an anomaly – but we’re finally starting to see activity stabilise and return to pre-pandemic levels.
“As things settle down and level off, it’s more important now than ever that companies invest in their marketing activity to ensure they continue operating in the same way.
“Avoid the temptation to cut costs in the areas which matter most and instead, work towards maintaining a strong brand and reputation to help carry your business through the tougher times.
“For those companies who have ambition and can push through the new challenges, there are huge opportunities ahead.
“From a Purplex point of view, we kicked off 2022 by unlocking the doors to our brand-new headquarters. As part of this latest investment, we’ve also strengthened our team by recruiting and training dozens of employees. This means we’re equipped and ready to support our customers as we move forward in this post-pandemic world where marketing and customer behaviour continues to rapidly change.”
Andrew Scott is a leading industry consultant who has acquired, built and sold several successful companies in the industry. He is also founder and MD of Purplex and Insight Data. For more information visit: