Aesthetics or practicality? With ECOSlide, you don’t have to choose
Posted on 17/03/2021
It’s a dilemma that thousands of home-improving property owners have faced for decades.
Do you pay through the nose for pricey windows that preserve the character of an older property? Or do you opt for a more cost-effective alternative, but risk spoiling the aesthetics that made you like the house in the first place?
When couple Tom and Emma of Whitland, West Wales, found themselves in the same situation, they discovered that they could in-fact have the best of both worlds.
The pair’s elegant double-fronted Victorian semi dates back to 1902, and had windows that matched that vintage – old, draughty, single-glazed timber sash windows that were well past their prime.
Clearly, they needed replacing. But when it came to choosing exactly what to replace them with, they were torn.
Part of them wanted to substitute like with like, and choose modern timber sash windows.
But the options were very expensive, and would require extensive maintenance once installed – which led them to reluctantly consider basic PVC casements instead.
Thankfully, their local installer, All Seasons UPVC in Milford Haven, had another suggestion – high-performance ECOSlide PVCu sash windows from Victorian Sliders.
Once they’d seen ECOSlide’s authentic aesthetics up close, and learned that the system was virtually maintenance free and energy efficient, there was no contest.
All Seasons went on to install eleven ECOSlide windows on the property, and, in the process, restore its turn of the century grandeur.
“This project was a perfect example of exactly what ECOSlide was designed to achieve,” comments Victorian Sliders Group Managing Director Andy Jones.
“Nearly six million homes around Britain date back to before 1919 – more than a fifth of the UK’s total housing stock, which means that at least one in five British houses were built at a time when sash windows were the norm.
“However, in the intervening decades, many of those sash windows have been ripped out and replaced with ill-suited replacements.
“Others, as in Tom and Emma’s case, still have original timber products, but are now extremely old, and providing very poor performance.
“With ECOSlide, we cover all bases – authentic-looking sash window products made of modern materials, that are much more cost-effective, and require only minimal maintenance.
“That’s why three thousand installers around the country use ECOSlide to appeal to homeowners like Tom and Emma.
“If you’d like to learn more about how Victorian Sliders can help you break into the lucrative sash window market, don’t hesitate to get in touch.”
For more information visit or call 01269 846200.