Sales continue to soar for Vista’s Xtreme Composite Door

Posted on 10/08/2017
Award-winning panel and composite door supplier Vista has seen incredible growth thanks to increasing demand for XtremeDoor, their best-in-class composite door.
The Merseyside firm has reported a remarkable surge with sales up a full 15% compared to last year. The continued success of XtremeDoor now means Vista produces an astonishing 150 composite doors a day.
“It’s great to see three-years on from its launch, XtremeDoor is continuing to soar,” comments Keith Sadler, Managing Director of Vista. “I firmly believe XtremeDoor’s recent success is down to our expanded range and our brand-new brochure. We added six new door styles at the turn of the year which really freshened up the range and gave our customers everything they were looking for. The latest brochure also has a larger selection of hardware and locking options as well additional colour options. These have all gone down really well with our existing customers and helped us to bring in new clients, who were looking for something different.”
Recent legislation also meant the XtremeDoor had to toughen up even more, Document Q testing lead Vista to double the thickness of the highly-durable GRP skin to 4mm to conform with the cut-through test. This gives composite doors three minutes to survive an attack using a Stanley Knife and two chisels (a 6mm and a 25mm). If in three minutes or less, the tester can cut a 50mm hole which is large enough to get an arm in and open it, the door fails. XtremeDoor passes this test with flying colours and has resulted Vista securing more newbuild work than ever before.
“We’ve worked closely with our marketing partners Purplex to re-launch our consumer facing website (,” adds Keith. “One of the new features which is gaining a lot of interest is a new door designer. The designer can also be added to our customer’s websites which is a really valuable sales tool and helps to create even stronger relationships with our customers who are the lifeblood of our company.”
“With XtremeDoor, we’ve created something we are incredibly proud of and our trade customers love to sell. It’s great to see increasing demand for XtremeDoor and we will be repaying that with even more innovation, investment and new products later this year.”